A Metal Coat can be found in New Mauville. The Metal Coat is on the right of the machine.
the Pokemon that evolve with metal coat are steelix and scisor
metal coat can evolve scyther into a scissor and an onix into a steelix. but you have to trade them while they are holding the steel coat
if you cach an onix there is a posibility that it could be holding a metal coat
It is used to evolve Onix and Scyther. You trade them while holding the metal coat.
plastic and metal :|
Yes, coat hangers are usually made of metal which can be magnetic if it contains iron. Some metal coat hangers may be magnetic while others may not depending on the material they are made of.
Some coat hangers have metal in them, which probably includes iron. There are also plastic and wooden coat hangers, too...
Easiest place would be amazon or ebay
Clothes hangers are usually steel, but some are made of aluminum. Construction hangers can be steel, galvanized steel, copper, or other metals.
Clothes hangers are typically made from either polypropylene or polystyrene plastic due to their durability and flexibility. These plastics are lightweight, affordable, and widely used in manufacturing hangers.
Quilt hangers can be made or bought. They can be made from a wooden or metal materials and can hang on the wall or sit in the floor. They can be bought cheaper than being made.
A clothes hanger is generally smaller than a coat hanger. A clothes hanger can also be made to fit the size of clothing--as an example, baby clothing uses baby-sized hangers. A true coat hanger is often larger and made of thicker, stronger metal to hold the weight of heavier material.
Cedar hangers protect your clothing from odor, moths, and moisture. These hangers are very durable and last longer than metal hangers. The shape of the hangers also leave space in between your clothes.
Because they hang your coat (and other clothes) Sherlock.
It is believed that President Thomas Jefferson was the inventor of the forerunner to wooden clothes hangers. Todays more modern wire hangers are credited to O.A North from New Britain, Conneticut.