Cozaar is a medication that treats high blood pressure. Crestor is a medication that treats cholesterol.
a mammal that starts C is a COW
Januvia treats type 2 diabetes. Juxtapid is a cholesterol lowering medication.
'Celery' is a culinary vegetable that starts with a 'C' and ends with a 'Y'.
Cleric starts with c and ends with c
Coke syrup. My mother used to get some from the soda jerk and give it to us.
Vitamin C is more usually regarded as a nutrient than as a medication, however, it can be prescribed as a medication to treat scurvy.
a mammal that starts C is a COW
Your clavicle bone starts with c.
What kind of arthritis starts with a c
Januvia treats type 2 diabetes. Juxtapid is a cholesterol lowering medication.
Zocor (a cholesterol medication)
Cricket starts with c but not k because that is the correct grammar.