look under the MECHQUEST title where it says 'Omega Ver. 3.7.4 or any other numbers.
then change dots to underscores. simple.
You cant. You can convert a swf to an exe though
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Email me with your mechquest account and Tell me the level and amount of money you want and I will get it for you with my mechquest trainer Email is maxwellzhu123@gmail.com
A 'SWF' is a flash-file. Flash is the program that runs Club Penguin. If you decompile Club Penguin, you'll find SWF-files, like rooms and catalogs.
zargon starstorm
you have to add the current swf it is currently 3_5_0
go to the mechquest login page. look where it says build. copy that into the swf and change the decimals to underscores
The current swf is game0_99d-r6.swf i don't know the full swf but that's what i type in to saladMQ as the swf.
Log on Mechquest game SWF changer. Change game 0_96_ to 2_0_2 swf . then select 'change'. Next, dial into Mechquest 'character change' and select Windows task manager. From the task manager, select 'Applications' then The sinned MQ option. Make certain it is in running mood. Error should be fixed.
I don't believe it is possible to change it at this current point.
You need a swf to avi converter to solve your problem. iWisoft SWF to AVI Converter,moyea swf converter,sothink swf converter are some of good swf converters, you can have a try. For me ,i like Moyea swf converter.
Goto dragonfable, press play, it should say something like 9.8.7 or something at the bottom, open SaladSWF's files, click Data, setting and type in that number instead of the first 3
You can download SWF games. Or you can buy a CD: CD Game = SWF Game.
Free SWF Downloader
do you mean SWF convert to flash? if yes, you can try about SWF decompiler.
I suggest that you download some special software like swf player or swf reader. I used to view swf files in Firefox.
Free SWF Downloader.