An Egyptian word that starts with a r is Ramses
Rocky Mountains
Rubber cement is sticky. It begins with R.
raperashrat infestationriotsrisksrobbery
a famous rock
· Rashid is a city in Egypt
Rosetta, Egypt is a port city on the Nile Delta.
falcon and flail
Powerful things that start with the letter r:radiationrainstormrecommendationredemptionrefereeregulationsrejectionreligionremarkrespectresponsibilityrestresultsrevengerevoltrevolverrhetoricrhinocerosrifleriotriverrocketRottweilerrumor
Some things that start with V and end with R are:vaporventilatorvespervictorvigorvinegarvotervouchervoyagervoyeur
How did Egyptian dance start?
An Egyptian word that starts with a r is Ramses
Rocky Mountains
Rubber cement is sticky. It begins with R.
reading material