It means something somebody does that makes you suprised.
Inuitive perception of the right thing to do or say...Skillfulness in dealing with others or difficulties arising from personal feelings. Sensitivity in dealing with people...Which means:... to have the skill to help others/possibly yourself with personal feelings.Feux mean Fire and le mean the. The Fire
What does videlicet mean
Zakuro mean pomegranate
uncornaded is not a word. But if you mean uncoordinated it mean lacking in cooperative planning and organization.
it mean nintento duel screen
Tact is not a Latin word.
-tact, from Latin 'tactus', past participle of 'tangere' - to touch
It means to touch
Tact is a noun.
To be rude, inconsiderate, thoughtless, brash, boorish.
The numbers on a tact switch can mean a variety of things. Typically, the number will be a model or part number. Depending on where the number is, that will tell what the number is for. You can call the manufacturer and ask them specifically for your switch.
The Latin root word "tact" means touch or contact. It is often used in words related to a sense of touch or a skillful handling of delicate situations.
The situation needed tact and diplomacy.
Some people never think to use tact when speaking. A little tact goes a long way.
"Your lack of tact in calling her fat astonishes me." "The detectives were not known for their tact in questioning a victim's family members."
En-Tact was created in 1990-11.
Tactful is the adjective form of the noun tact.