Kitchener is a city in Ontario, Canada. Kelowna is a city in British Columbia, Canada.
Kitty Hawk, NC
a key is a landform that starts with a k and a knoll is a landform that starts with K and means a hill.
Koala cola, that starts with a k.!
Ketchup is edible and starts with K.
Potassium' formula is 'K' , from the Latin for 'Kalium'.
Kenner is a city in Louisiana.
Kitty Hawk, NC
Kennesaw and Keysville are cities in Georgia. They begin with the letter K.
Kent, Kennewick and Kirkland are cities in Washington. Kahlotus, Kenmore and Kettle Falls are cities in Washington.
Yes The New Cities is a Canadian band.
there are 12 cities depicted on the Canadian shield
a key is a landform that starts with a k and a knoll is a landform that starts with K and means a hill.
Koala cola, that starts with a k.!
Ketchup is edible and starts with K.
Four counties and 21 cities all start with K It's also kinda like the klondike here sometimes!
Potassium' formula is 'K' , from the Latin for 'Kalium'.