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Q: What Bodies of water that begin with g?
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What are some bodies of water that begin with the letter G?

· Ganale Dory River (Ethiopia) · Ganges River (India) · Gila River (Arizona) · Glenelg River (Australia) · Goulburn River (Australia) · Guadiana River (Portugal, Spain)

How does oxygen level vary in different bodies of water?

The oxygen level varies in different bodies of water because some bodies of water are warmer than others therefore,.. the more hot the less oxygen because the particles will begin to die as the water gets hotter but this is how it becomes a compressed gas ...

What are the two bodies of water that begin with Red?

Red Sea Red River

What are some sdjectives that begin with the letter G?

Some adjectives that begin with letter G are:gabbygarrulousgauchegauntgaygenerousgentlegiantgiftedgildedgingerglamorousgloomygoldgooeygoofygorgeousgranitegratefulgreedygreengreygrimgrowngrumpyguiltygulliblegustygutsygypsum

How many words begin with g?

796 words begin with the letter "g", according to WordHippo.

What celestial bodies begin with a?

Some celestial bodies that begin with the letter "A" include asteroids, auroras, and the planet Venus (known as the "Evening Star").

What are some bodies of water that begin with the letter I?

· Illinois River (Illinois) · Indus River (Pakistan, China, India) · Irtysh River (China)

What are the preposition that begin with letter g?

Some prepositions that begin with the letter "g" are: "by," "between," "beyond," and "beside."

What monsters names begin with g?

Some monsters names that begin with the letter G are gargoyle and ghast.