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Diminish, condense...

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Q: What 8-letter words mean to get smaller?
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What are some 8letter words ending with n?

campaign, vacation

What are diminutive?

Diminutive words are words that mean smaller, for example; lion;cub,goose;gosling,bus;minibus.

What does supercalifredulisticexpelladocous mean?

it is from a song and if you break up the words it makes smaller words.remeber it's from a song

What are smaller words?

Smaller words are words in words. For example, in "low" when you mix it around, there's owl.

How many smaller words are in liberty?

The li, be and Ibert are the smaller words that are in word liberty.

What does a smaller AWG mean?

Smaller numbers mean thicker wires

What are the smaller words inside of concentrate?

The smaller words that can be found inside "concentrate" are "con," "cent," "rate," and "ate."

What is the meaning of solicitors speak 8letter word -e-alese?

The 8-letter word that fits the pattern "e-alese" is "estimate," which means to roughly calculate or approximate a quantity or value.

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What does API key mean?

An API Key is an application programming interface. Inn smaller words it is how you can grab data from one website or database and use it on your website or database.