Benin, Burma, Chile, China, Congo, Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Haiti, India, Italy and Japan have 5 letters in their name. Kenya, Libya, Macau, Malta, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Palau, Qatar, Samoa, Spain, Sudan, Syria, Tonga and Wales have 5 letters in their name.
Three countries start with the letters Ch. The three countries are Chad, Chile and China.
Honduras, Maldives, Portugal, Slovenia, Suriname
Nauru, Nepal, and Niger are countries. They are the only countries that contain only 5 letters and begin with the letter N.
There are no countries that start with the letters 'tap.'
I DONT know..... that's why i asked it!! :(
EgyptYemenSudanChinaPalauSamoaNigerJapanHaitiGhanaBeninLibyaTongaGabonKenyaSpainNepalNauruSyriaChileMaltaIndiaItalyQatarBurma* (recently changed to Myanmar)Korea
England is a country, as a consequence, there are no countries in England with four letters
There are countries that end in the letters and. However, no country ends in the letters sand.
The following are countries that are spelled with five letters in English:BeninBurma (now called Myanmar, still called Burma by many)ChileChinaCongo (Republic of the)Congo (Democratic Republic of the)EgyptGabonGhanaHaitiIndiaItalyJapanKenyaNorth KoreaSouth KoreaLibyaMacaoMaltaNauruNepalNigerPalauQatarSamoaSpainSudanSouth SudanSyriaTongaYemen
Spain, Italy, Syria and Egypt are Mediterranean countries. They contain five letters.
There are 33 countries that have seven letters in their English names. These countries include Eritrea, Finland, Denmark, Ecuador, Somalia, and Nigeria to name a few.
first -- 5 letters second -- 6 letters third -- 5 letters fourth -- 6 letters fifth -- 5 letters sixth -- 5 letters seventh -- 7 letters eighth -- 6 letters So the nest number would be 5, because there are 5 letters in ninth.