night- N is a consanent I is a vowel G is a consanent H is a consanent T is a consanet. Oh by the way, sorry for the spelling errors.(:
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Stretch is a 7 letter word with e as the only vowel. Twelfth is another 7 letter words containing only one vowel.
The word strength has only one vowel.The adopted word from German, schnapps, also has only one vowel.
There are 3 in your question!
Stretch is a 7 letter word with e as the only vowel. Twelfth is another 7 letter words containing only one vowel.
"Strengths" is a 9-letter word with only one vowel.
The word strength has only one vowel.The adopted word from German, schnapps, also has only one vowel.
There is only one vowel (the letter e), in the word wet.
The longest word in the English language with only one vowel is "strengths," containing nine letters and only one vowel, which is the letter "e."
There are 3 in your question!
The word "strength" has seven letters and only one vowel.
Thousands of them. harp, myth, cold, etc.
No. Vowels are letters, so the only words that can be vowels are words consisting of only one letter, such as "I" or "a". The word "said" is a verb.