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times, emits, mites, smite, items

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Q: What 5 letter word can be rearranged into the most other 5 letter words?
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What is the most used consonant in the alphabet?

According to, the most used consonant in the English language is "t." Also, "t" is the most frequent letter that starts a word (in other words, there are more words that start with "t" than any other letter.) Heck--in this short answer alone, I've used 29 "t"s!

All words have a vowel but what letter is most used?

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Which is the most used letter in English?

"E" is the most commonly used letter in English. "S" is the most commonly used first letter for words.

What words start with the letter k in Mexico?

Note Spanish language does not have any words starting with 'k' on its own. Most of them have been imported from other languages. Some of them include:KilogramoKarateKiwiKudzuKingstonKimonoKoalaKarenKremlin

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What is the most commonly used letter in Polish?

The most commonly used letter in Polish is "a." It appears frequently in words and is an essential part of the language.

Which letter of the alphabet is used most often?

N is the most popular letter and is not often used, it's ALWAYS used !!!

4 letter words second letter o last letter t?

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What is the most common letter in the alphabet?

The luckiest letter in the alphabet is up to each person. A person will have a special experience with a letter and that will be their luckiest one.

What word has the most uses of the letter f?

Words that are known for the most uses of the letter f include niffnaffed, riffraff, cuffuffles, and chiffchaff.

What words end in the letter d?

Most past tense verbs.

Is the letter w in the spanish alphabet?

Yes the letter W is in the spanish alphabet... In my dictionary there are 11 words with the letter W, but most of them are words from foreign languages like the word: Windsurfista = Windsurfer