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There are a few answers. For example the word SIXTY. When you take away two letters (the T and the Y) it becomes SIX. Other answers could be: SIXES, SIXTIE, or SIXTH.

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Q: What 5 letter word becomes 6 when you take 2 letters away?
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I'm not sure you got all of it. Riddles of this nature usually take the form of, "What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?" The answer is "short." Alternatively, "What seven-letter word becomes longer when you take one letter away?" The answer is "lounger."

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The answer is the word empty. Take away the e and you have the letters mpty. Take away the p and you have the letters mty. Take away the y and you have the letters mt.

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What four letter word in the English language that if you take away 3 letters from it it still means the same thing?

Answers1) The word FIVE is a 4-letter word. Take away the 3 letters 'F', 'I' and the 'E', and you are left with 'V' which is the Roman numeral for the number five.2) The word ZERO is a 4-letter word, Take away the letters Z,E and R, and you are left with O, which is zero!Other words with similar characteristicsThere is a 5-letter word that, when you take four letters away, still has the same meaning: aitch -> hThere is also a 5-letter word that, when you take four letters away, still has the same sound: queue -> qThis is a three letter word, take two letters away and it sounds the same: why -> yAnd, last by no means least, there are two 3-letter words which, when you take two letters away, mean the same thing: zee (US) -> z, zed (UK) -> z.

What 5 letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?

Sixty... when u take 2 letters away you are left with 'six'

What 5 letter word can you take away 4 letters and have the same word?

Queue. Take away the four letters UEUE and you are left with Q.

Take away my 1st letter. Take away my 2nd. Take away al my letters n I stil remain same. Wat am I?


If you Take away my first letter take away my second letter take away all my letters I still remain the same?

Well, honey, you're talking about the word "mailbox." Take away the first letter, you get "ailbox." Take away the second letter, you get "mbox." Take away all the letters, and you're still left with "box." So, the answer is "mailbox."

What is a 5 letter word for be perspiration take away two letters?


What seven letter word becomes longer if you take the third letter away?

"lounger" seems to work.

What five-letter word has six left when you take two letters away?
