If you can repeat letters, you can make the word 'eleven'.
Since the challenge is on level 11, you can spell the word "eleven" by using the E button three times.
Six letter words that can be derived from the letters begrime are: bemire. emigre. regime.
The letters do not spell many words. The longest word I can identify is the three letter word van. The letters also spell the two letter words ax and an.
The letters "nifpoix" can make the following words:Two-letter wordsifinofonopThree-letter wordsfinpinpoxFour-letter words
If you can repeat letters, you can make the word 'eleven'.
They don't make anything. "ELVN" however is an abbreviation for "eleven".
One word that can be formed from "elvn" is "liven".
Four letter words that can be made from the letters 'nfwade' are:anewaweddawndeafdeanfadefawnfendwadewandwaneweanwend
You can make several seven letter words with these letters. They include:AcetoneCheapenCheetahHatchet
You can make several seven letter words with the letters 'pladiamhceuc'. They include:AcclaimCalciumChaliceClaimedClampedHelipadMedical
You can make several seven letter words with the letters 'terudesasdez'. They are:AddressAssuredDearestDessertDressedSaddestSteeredTeasersTreaded
You cannot make any seven letter words with these letters as there are only six. The longest words you can make are renews and resewn.
Since the challenge is on level 11, you can spell the word "eleven" by using the E button three times.
Four letter words that can be made with the letters 'irbegd' are:bergbidebierbirdbredbriebrigdiredribgirdgridrideThose letters will also spell the word 'bridge'.
There is no nine letter word that can be made with the letters 'reeiabpvw'.Words that can be made with those letters are:aairapeareaveaverawawebarbarebebearbeaverbeebeepbeerbewarebierbrabravebrewbrieeareaveeraereeveevereweewerIirepapairparparepareve (parve)pavepaverpawpeapearpeepeerperpewpipiepierpreviewrapraperaverawreapreaverepaverevreviewribripripeveerverbviavieviewviewerviperwaivewaiverwarwarewavewewearweaveweaverwebweeweepwerewipewiperwirewrap
Six letter words that can be derived from the letters begrime are: bemire. emigre. regime.