Languages that start with the letter G:GermanGreek
Luxembourgish and Lithuanian are languages.
Qwerty, its a common English word that it a keyboard. Also many Indian words start with "q" but not "qu"
Xuanzang was a Chinese explorer who explored the Indian subcontinent and cental Asia.
Languages that start with the letter G:GermanGreek
There are about 450 Languages spoken in India and about 700 different Native American languages. But there is no such language as "Indian".
Almost all indian languages are written from left to right, with the exception of languages that use Arabic-based writing, such as Urdu and Sindhi.
The following foreign languages start with the letter c:CambodianCanaaniteCantoneseCape Verdean CreoleCatalan,CayugaCebuanoChamorroChavacanoChechenCherokeeCheyenneChichewaChickasawChippewaChoctawComancheCornishCorsicanCreeCroatianCrowCzech
Aramaic Arabic Armenian
None of the Celtic languages start with the letter "e"
Indian Cherry + Indian Prune :D
Luxembourgish and Lithuanian are languages.
Indian rhinoceros