The word is the adverb incorrectly.
Just as with spelling it, it is either pronounced "incorrectly" or it is "pronounced incorrectly."
wronglyTrick question!
Toofam is "Tomato" but spelt incorrectly with the letter (f) and then jumbled.
There are at least 8,801 five-letter words in the English language.
There are not any letters z in this sentence, but there are two places where you pronounce /z/: words and friends. You pronounce them as /z/ because d is a voiced sound.
A better way to put it is "that everyone pronounces incorrectly." The answer is "incorrectly."
That would be the letter "X", which unless used alone or hyphenated is pronounced as a "Z" or a combination of the letters X and Z. (xylophone, Xavier, xenophobe)
incorrectly is the 11 letter word that is always spelled incorrectly because that's how it is spelled.
The word is "incorrectly."(If they don't spell it that way, they have still spelled it incorrectly.)
Exactly like you pronounce the word "you" in English.
The letter "Y" is pronounced as "why" in English.
Pronounce "ici" like you're saying the English letter "e" and "c".
the same as in english you pronounce it as ah
The answer is i-n-c-o-r-r-e-c-t-l-y. 11 letters
The letter "r" is pronounced by making a voiced, alveolar, or post-alveolar approximant sound in English. The tip of the tongue may or may not make contact with the alveolar ridge while producing this sound.
The letter "ú" is pronounced as "oo" in English, similar to the vowel sound in the word "moon."
''Q'' is pronounced as ''kyoo.'' It is the 17th letter of the English alphabet.