It's the Barcel Company that makes Takis.
hes in jubilife city in the tv station place
You can find it right next to the TV station in jubilfe city.
Broksonic does there manufacture name is Hatzlachh Supply INC. They have offices in ASIA ,USA and SOUTH AMERICA.
136 or 147
Sabre is the name of the company that makes Sabre televisions. The company makes these televisions exclusively for the military.
Try any codes you can find for Sansui or Orion TV's. They are the same.
Affinity is the name of the company that makes the Affinity TV. The televisions can be purchased from Meijer, Target and Best Buy.
Element Electronics company is owned by ProView which also makes Polaroid TV's.
Seiki TV's are made by the company Seiki Digital. The company is owned by Tsinghua Tongfang Company, a Chinese company.
e- motion bazed in serbia
There is no single company that makes such a product. Many companies make LCD monitors with TV tuners. Such companies include Samsung, Acer, Philips, and Asus.
Thorn-EMI used to. The company no longer trades.