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The odds of getting a full house in Poker are approximately 0.1441 and the odds of getting quads are approximately 0.0240.

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Q: What are the odds of getting a full house or quads in a game of poker?
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Do quads beat a full house in poker?

No, in poker, a full house beats quads.

Does a full house beat quads in poker?

No, in poker, quads (four of a kind) beats a full house.

Does a full house beat quads in a game of poker?

No, in a game of poker, quads (four of a kind) beats a full house.

What hand in poker beats a full house and consists of four cards of the same rank, also known as quads?

In poker, a hand that beats a full house is called four of a kind, also known as quads. It consists of four cards of the same rank.

Is it generally considered that quads are better than a full house in poker?

In poker, a full house is generally considered better than a quad. A full house consists of three of a kind and a pair, while a quad is four of a kind.

Do a full house beats quads?

Quads beats a Full House.

What are the odds of getting a full house in 5 card draw poker if you are dealt a pair?

* Improving to 2 pairs - 5.3/1 * Improving to trips - 7.7/1 * Improving to A Full House - 97/1 * Improving to Quads - 359/1

What are the odds of getting a Full house in Poker?

The odds of flopping a full house are 136:1.

What are the odds of getting a full house, one of the strongest hands in poker, which consists of 3 pairs?

The odds of getting a full house in poker, which consists of 3 pairs, is about 0.1441 or 693 to 1.

When did Full House Poker happen?

Full House Poker happened in 360.

Does a flush beat a full house in poker?

No, in poker, a full house beats a flush.

Does a straight beat a full house in poker?

No, a full house beats a straight in poker.