A rebel caught by the capitol, in punishment of them rebelling, the capitol cut out their tongues which makes them a Avox.
She wouldn't have a tongue, being an Avox.
One day when Katniss was hunting with Gale, she was sitting in a tree when she and a boy ran past. The avox girl yelled for help I think, but Katniss didn't move. Then the boy got killed and the avox girl turns in to an avox.
her new Avox was darius
an avox is a person that did something against the law and its dangerous for katniss to adimit to know one because people might think shes friends with the avox
A rebel caught by the capitol, in punishment of them rebelling, the capitol cut out their tongues which makes them a Avox.
Avox girl was a rebellious girl who tried to run away from her distric with her boyfriend. Katniss got a glimpse of her when hunting in the woods. She saw how the avox girl, which real name is Lavinia, was captured by tha capitol and how her boyfriend was killed. She became an Avox by the Capitol cutting her tongue and making her a servant as a punishment.
yes, he stated that the avox was a "dead-ringer" for a girl back in district twelve
Avox is not actually a person. An avox is sort of like servant to the citizens of the Capitol, except they usually have been tortured and had something done to their tongues (the book doesn't specify what) so that they cannot speak again. Katniss knows the girl avox (as she is referred to) because when she was younger, she and Gale were hunting when the giant Capitol hovercraft thing took the avox out of the sky and into the hovercraft. Although not stated in the book, you can assume she was then taken to the Capitol, where she was tortured.
An avox is a servant for the capitol. They have had their tongue chooped out by the capitol, so they cant speak, and they are forced to serve the people of the capitol.
Avox is pronounced as "ay-vox," with the emphasis on the first syllable.