once you upgrade to Halo: Custom edition, create a shortcut of the exe, then type in -console -devmode in the target after the location of the exe.
You can download Halo Zero from http://games2bee.webs.com/apps/blog/.....
Halo isn't available for Sony consoles.
Oh well that easy! Direction: 1: First go to Google 2: Then type how to download halo PC or 2 3: Next, fnd the best place for you! 4: Download! 5: Done! 6: I download Halo PC at Free game download!
Halo DS was cancelled due to issues regarding the license.
Install Halo: Custom Edition.Right-click the desktop shortcut that is created, and choose 'Properties'.In the 'Target:' box, add '-devmode' without quotes to the end.
In Halo Ce you can download a tool so you can use cheats anytime (DEVMODE) you can download it at (WWW.HALOMAPS.ORG) after you download this turn it on and run halo ce then put in these cheats using the tilda key(~) cheat_deathless_player 1(Thats to enable it) type zero instead of one to turn it off this applies for every cheat that dosent spawn anything so weapons,vehicles and powerups dont need numbers after them cheat_bottomless_clip 1 cheat_infinite_ammo 1 cheat_all_weapons Cheat_all_vehicles cheat_all_powerups cheat_deathless_player 1 cheat_spawn_warthog
At the Bungie halo website or Cnet and search halo on download ssection
turn of the devmode before turning on halo, once done open halo, make a server and click ` which is near the number 1 to the left. Codes: cheats_all_weapons - spawns all weapons in game cheats_all_vehicles - spawns all vehicles cheat_super_jump 1 - turns on super jump type "cheat_super_jump 0" to turn it of cheat_infinite_ammo 1 - infinite ammo (0 to turn off) cheat_bottom_less_clip 1 - never have to reload And if you want more just ask me.
Well first you have to be able to enter cheats, and to do that you simply, right click on the halo desktop icon, then go to properties, then add -console -devmode. be sure to put a space between -console and -devmode. (WARNING: could mess up game in some way that I am unaware of). Then go to Halo, go into campaign. Then press ~ (tilde key). You will then see a pink word in one of the corners. That is when you type in the cheat codes. Invincibility: cheat_deathless_player <0
You can download Halo Reach on the Xbox marketplace.
You can download Halo 2 Game from some blogger blogs. See the related links below to download Halo 2 game.
you can download halo 1 demo but usually hard to find cannot rerally download halo 2 or 3
You can download Halo 2 Game from some blogger blogs. See the related links below to download Halo 2 game.
It is not legal to download Halo 2 from Media Fire.
No website exists where you can download Halo 2 high compressed.
You can download Anniversary Maps to Halo: Reach but not to Anniversary.