In the large building in Eterna City on the first floor. He is the old man. Remember, you can't change the nickname of a traded Pokemon.
Piplup is a penguin Pokemon that first appears in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Because Piplup is a penguin, a good nickname would be one based on its penguin counterpart.
Go to Eterna City and go into the building, that has the Name Rater on the sign. Talk to the old dude at the table and he will "rate" your pokemon's nickname and ask if you want to change it. You cannot change a traded pokemon's nickname.
The Name Rater is in Eterna City. It is North of Oreburgh City, and West of Celestic town. Remember that you can only change the names of Pokemon that you have named yourself. Names given by people that you trade with are unchangable.
I think the only Pokemon games......are Sapphire Ruby Emerald Pearl Diamond Firered Leafgreen Red Blue Yellow Gold Silver Plantnum HeartGold SoulSilver Pokemon Dungen Explorers Of Time and Darkness Here are fake Pokemon games! Pokemon Green Pokemon Moon RPG Pokemon RPG Predictions I made PokemonKart Nickname-PokeKart WF Connection PokemonRanch Nickname-PokeRanch WF Connection Pikachu and Torchic's Adventure No Nickname GrassGreen No Nickname WaterBlue No Nickname PokePC Nickname-Pokemon PC Battles WFC Chikarita's PokeParty No Nickname PokemonSega Nickname-PokeSega Gangsta Pokemon No Nickname Those are my Predictions Gangsta Pokemon won't be out until I turn into a Adult Im 9 so like 20 Years from now Ill try making those Pokegames No more Pokemon games in English! But if so ill Remake it so wait.
In Jubilife City
The Name Rater is in Eterna City, on the right of the PokeMart.
HE's in Veilstone city
HE's in Veilstone city
In Johto, the northern part of Goldenrod City in a tent and, in Kanto, the middle of Lavender Town.
you have to eat a pickachu fsdfsfds gbfrbyf
Piplup is a penguin Pokemon that first appears in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Because Piplup is a penguin, a good nickname would be one based on its penguin counterpart.
you go to eturna city(sorry i spelled that wrong) then in the bottom right kinda, the name changer is the old dude in the big building.
they would have the same nickname
Yes but you can't change it on Pokemon Battle Revolution
Um hiya i hav diamond i dont hav the faintest idea my brother got his off ACTION REPLAY CHEAT