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You get Rock Smash in Mauville City. Talk to the guy in the house to the right of the Pokemart.

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Q: Were is rock smash in Pokemon ruby?
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How do you smash rocks in Pokemon ruby?

Get the HM Rock Smash

Where do you get rock smash in Pokemon ruby?


Where do you get rock smash on Pokemon Ruby?

at a town

Can whismer learn rock smash in Pokemon ruby?

No, it cannot learn Rock Smash.

How do you get a rock smash in Pokemon ruby?

in a house in mauville city

What Pokemon in Pokemon ruby can you find using rock smash?

you can find the legendary Pokemon regirock

Where you get the hm rock smash in Pokemon ruby?

Talk to a guy in one of the cities

How does nosepass appear in ruby or emerald?

go to the granite cave and have a pokemon with the move rock smash then go to a stone you can smash with rock smash smash it and nosepass may appear

Where can a get the HM rock smash in Pokemon ruby?

When you come into mauvill city from the soulth there will be a house to your left.The man inside will give you rock smash.

How do you get the hm rock smash in Pokemon ruby?

From the secound house you see in Mauville City.

What do you do at maulviile in Pokemon ruby?

Beat the 3rd Gym, and Get HM 06 Rock Smash

How do you break rocks in Pokemon Ruby?

You can break rocks by using the move Rock Smash.