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Your crew members aren't on the 1st island most likely. First just get supplies and then head off toward the second island. Once your there you'll most likely find them wandering around. You might have to go to the 3rd island to find them all but I highly doubt that. Hope that helps!

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Q: Were do your find your crew members on sims 2 castaway?
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You have to find and greet the other crew members and then interact with them.

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Sims Castaway; the Sims are stuck on an island and have to complete missions to get back home. Sims Bon Voyage; Sims can go on holiday to either a beach, the mountains or to the far east.

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on the game sims 2 castaway

What is sims castaway about?

You create a crew of Sims then they set sail. Then they crash and are stranded on their own different islands. You have to find the rest of the crew and keep yourself sane along the way (btw talk to the monkies. they kool!)

The Sims Castaway?

the story of sims 2 castaway is: you and your crew's ship will wreck! all of 'em will get lost except for you. your goal is to SURVIVE, explore more islands, find all your lost crew mates and ask them to join your tribe,find your way back home, and a lot more! I'm warning you, it's boring! but worth experiencing!

In the sims 2 castaway where do your crew members get lost at?

You dont find any at the first island but when you go to the 2nd you find 1 and when you keep going to new places though out the game you find everyone! (i still dont think i got everyone....LOL)

For Sims 2 castaway on wii can you call all of the crew members to meat you because I want to get them in our house?

to call all tribe members you need a conch shell, if you have one, get it from you tools and click summon tribe

On the Sims 2 castaway wii does Captain Mustache from the message bottle really exist?

No, it's just a message. It's only you and your crew mate and the animals on the Sims 2 Castaway wii.

Sims 2 castaway is there any other sims?

Besides your crew, no, oh wait yes, but they're primates and skeletons. That's it.

Where to find a curry dish on sims castaway?

you go to the water hole (the ds game) sims castaway pat the dog

Where do you find blood orange in sims 2 castaway ps2?

Blood oranges are found on Airplane island and Volcano island in the Sims 2 Castaway. The Sims 2 Castaway for the PlayStation 2 in 2007.