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First you go underground using an explorers kit and get a fossil then you go to oreburgh

city and go to the fossil house and then talk to some guy leave go back in and talk to the guy again and he will give you one cranidos. note:you need one empty space in your party

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Q: Were do you get a cranidos in Pokemon diamond?
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What level does cranidos evolve at in Pokemon diamond?

Cranidos is a Rock type Pokemon that can be revived from a Skull Fossil in Pokemon Diamond. It will evolve into Rampardos at level 30.30

Can you get cranidos on pearl?

No, only in Pokemon diamond.

Where can you find a rampidos in Pokemon diamond?

Evolve from Cranidos

How does cranidos evolve in Pokemon Diamond?

level 30

What Pokemon can you get in only diamond and where?

In Pokemon Diamond you can only get Diagla, and Cranidos Diagla you get at the Spear Pillar - goes with the story timeline! Cranidos is a fossil you get revived in the mining museum!

What level does cranidos elvove in Pokemon diamond?

Lv. 30

How do you catch cranidos in Pokemon pearl?

You have to trade one in from Diamond.

What are the Pokemon you find underground in diamond?

you can only find a cranidos on diamond and a shieldon on pearl

What is the differenence between Pokemon Pearl and diamond?

Not much. Pokemon diamond and Pokemon pearl have different Pokemon. for example, in pearl you can catch a glameow but not a cranidos and in diamond you can catch a cranidos but not a gleameow. And at the end of pearl you can catch Palkia the legendary and at the end of Diamond you can catch Diagla. But the games are basically the same. And there you go.....

Where do you catch cranidos in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can't catch Cranidos in the wild or from a special event. You'll need to trade for it from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.

What is the ability of cranidos do in Pokemon Diamond?

Cranidos is a Rock-type Pokemon. Its ability, Mold Breaker, allows Cranidos to disable the opposing Pokemon's ability. For an example, against a Shedinja with Wonder Guard, Wonder Guard will be disabled and Cranidos will be allowed to hit it with any move.

What level does cranidos evolve in Pokemon diamond?