on droidz.org or darkdemon.org i recommend using droidz because there is more sticks and there is better sticks.
Go to droidz.org and you will find all the stick figures you need
http://assassinationscience.com/jackcostella/pivot http://www.mediafire.com/?linyz5ntldm if you want yours to look like Hopdiddy's and PMDX's pivots, this is the animator for you. just type in Google pivot downloads. go to http://sticksforfree.weebly.com/ Also I've been using pivot for a few years now. And the best website to get stick figures from is Droidz.org
File> Load Figure Type, then find your stick figure and click it
you have to find the key.........
Out of Sarah Jessica Parker's snatch :-)
Droidz.org is a great website for pivot downloads
a safe site is 10001 downloads.
Well first you do have to download the file but its free and after that you can just make your own pivot videos for free.
Go to droidz.org and you will find all the stick figures you need
Where do you find naruto for pivot?
first go to google.com thentype in pivot 3 beta. first download the file then go to united desktop. then click my downloads. then at the bottom click pivot then it will appear lol
You can download master chief for PIVOT. Or you can always unlock the character by playing the game too, to be honest.
probably because the file is corrupt, or you haven't got the latest versions of pivot, 2 or 3 support this... Google the filename of the character and try to download it from another source :)
You can download Ben 10 Stick Figures for Pivot 3.0 Beta at the Droidz.org website. You can also find these Ben 10 items online at places like BenBaileyMusic.com. Some European websites like hammans-erleben also offer the downloads.
If you are talking about the stick figure animator pivot, you can find a download by searching google, or going to download.com
i have your same problem but im going to try searching codec software for pivot animation downloads i hope i helped a little im still a beginer in pivot
I recommend you use snapfiles to get it. its safe and has hundreds of free downloads, but yes there is a few that cost but as I say, plenty of free stuff on there.