Runescape doesn't require downloads, you simply play.
unless your computer didn't come with java, that's all you need to play. (2 minute or so install time, maybe a lot less)
Previously, NO. You could play runescape without Java because runescape runs of a Java platform and only a Java platform unless somehow your a really good programmer and you figure out how to make a program to run it, you would basically have to make a complete new version of your own runescape platform. However, with the release of the RuneScape downloadable client, users without Java can now download the client and play it from there. The browser version of RuneScape still requires Java. There is no way to play Runescape without java being installed on your PC. The "Tiko" Toolkit on doesn't work without java either, the only way is to download it. if you cannot download it ask your IT administrator to download it for you.
Runescape is a fully Java based game, but your able to play it without java. how to : 1.go on runescape community bar pick downloads & wallpapers. windows client . a link will open on your desktop use it to play runescape without java!!!!!! ( 100% working i use it ) .
Yes there is actually an app from itunes that you can download to play runescape.
Macs can play Runescape as long as you have Java installed and have a working internet connection, the faster the better. This is simply because Runescape is an application written in Java; without Java, you cannot run Runescape on your computer. You can download Java from this link if you do not already have it installed:
You don't. RuneScape requires Java to run.
runescape weeworld PS runescape you have to download java flash player you don't have to download runescape
Previously, NO. You could play runescape without Java because runescape runs of a Java platform and only a Java platform unless somehow your a really good programmer and you figure out how to make a program to run it, you would basically have to make a complete new version of your own runescape platform. However, with the release of the RuneScape downloadable client, users without Java can now download the client and play it from there. The browser version of RuneScape still requires Java. There is no way to play Runescape without java being installed on your PC. The "Tiko" Toolkit on doesn't work without java either, the only way is to download it. if you cannot download it ask your IT administrator to download it for you.
Runescape is a browser based game, you don't have to download it
Runescape is a fully Java based game, but your able to play it without java. how to : 1.go on runescape community bar pick downloads & wallpapers. windows client . a link will open on your desktop use it to play runescape without java!!!!!! ( 100% working i use it ) .
download it and then play it
Yes there is actually an app from itunes that you can download to play runescape.
download java
If you mean "... without Java", it is not possible. You need Java to play RuneScape.
It's plain and simple : It wont let you download Java player so you can't play runescape.
Macs can play Runescape as long as you have Java installed and have a working internet connection, the faster the better. This is simply because Runescape is an application written in Java; without Java, you cannot run Runescape on your computer. You can download Java from this link if you do not already have it installed:
It is not a download. Simply go to the Runescape website and click on create new user. Fill out the required application info and then log in and play.
To this question i would suggest runescape, Iver played it for a while and it fits your listed needs. But, the thing about runescape is you cant do anything without a membership, and alot of kids play it.