Ghost types are weak against other Ghost type moves along with Dark type moves.
Ghost-type Pokemon are weak against Ghost and Dark types.
ghost and dark
As of Generation 5 only the pokemon Spiritomb has no weakness because of the dual-type Ghost/Dark.
Ghost, dark, and bug.
Bug, dark, and ghost.
Ghost-type Pokemon are weak against Ghost and Dark types.
guys i think pysic pokemons had weakness to normal type normal Pokemon have a weakness to physic Pokemon Kulmblach789 Pysic Poke have a weakness to dark ATks
ghost and dark
As of Generation 5 only the pokemon Spiritomb has no weakness because of the dual-type Ghost/Dark.
Ghost-type Pokemon are weak against Ghost and Dark-type moves.
Ghost, dark, and bug.
Bug, dark, and ghost.
Bug, dark and ghost.
Dark, Ghost and Bug types
electric ghost dark and rock. =)
Golurk is a Ground/Ghost-type Pokemon, so it's weak to Water, Grass, Ice, Dark, and Ghost attacks.