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Q: Was the worlds 1st time machine sabitashed?
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Are they ever going to make a time machine to figure out what came 1st chicken or egg?

The time machine is reserved for a lot more important things than that. And who told you we had a time machine?

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shan dong 1st machine works 12guage

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The 1st lord of chaos staff

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Well the 1st thing you need to do is get a time machine and travel backwards in time due to the fact that they shut down that game.

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her 1st song is the best of both worlds! :)

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1st Maruiz Pudzanowski Poland WON for the fourth time by miles. 2nd Sebastian Wenta of Poland and third Terry Hollands of England

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Best of Both Worlds

What was Miley Cyrus's 1st song?

her first song is best of both worlds yea daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Did the Rifle Brigade see service in Ireland in 1920?

Yes they did, my Great Grand Uncle was Company Commander of the 1st Machine Gun Battalion, Rifle Brigade and was in Ireland from 1920 to early 1923 (around the time that the Machine Gun Battalion was disbanded).

Is a hammer a compound machine or a simple machine?

It is a compound machine because it is built with more than one simple machine