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Mystic Water increases the power of all Water-type attacks however in Pokémon FireRed, the increase in power is only a 10% increase.

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Ho-oh is located on Navel Rock in Pokemon Fire Red Version. If you want to get there, you need a mystic ticket.

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To get the mystic ticket in fire red/leaf green you must go to a nitendo event and trade it with mystery gift. This is the only way i know.

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The Mystic Ticket is an event only Pokemon in Emerald, Fire Red, and Leaf Green that allows you to go to Navel Rock where Ho-oh and Lugia await you.

How do you get the Mystic ticket on Pokemon Fire Red?

on rainbow island 17 talk to the proffeser he will give you a choice of entei,raikou or suicune

How do you get Ho-oh in Pokemon Fire Red?

you need the mystic ticket and only time to get that happened a few yrs ago and if u got the mystic ticket its on 8 island in the navel rock

What is a good water Pokemon for Pokemon Fire Red?

Blastoise, Gyarados, and Suicune.

In Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green how do you get to islands 8 and 9?

They can be accessed only after obtaining the Mystic and Eon Tickets from an official Nintendo event.