

Best Answer
the best virtual world for a 9 year old would be: Club Penguin,Fantage,our world ,
and panda anda

-but club penguin and our world are the best :)-
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Q: Virtual worlds for 9 year olds?
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What are some virtual worlds that are for 9 year olds?

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What are some virtual worlds for 9 years olds?

There is Club Penguin and Roblox

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by avatar do you mean the movie or the show or a virtual world? if you mean a virtual world there are lots clubpenguin fantage webkinz dizzywood if you want more search virtual worlds on google

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Not exclusively but Yes, 9 year olds can enjoy shows on Cartoon Network.

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Is the book camp confidential ok for 9 year old?

Yes, they are for around 9 to 12 year olds, but especially the first couple of books are good for 9 year olds.