If you are wanting the game Mindcraft you should it. You can also ask a friend if you can use it for a while.
Shut up
Not unless you have a minecraft client in beta.
Girls play video games because they can. No one has the right to say they cannot play them. Girls can do whatever they want: play video games, become video game programmers, or whatever. : )
There are many review for video games but some are better than others. One of the best is gamespot where you can find all the new games and all the games you want.
There are tons of games that start with H the most well known is the Halo series. If you want to know video games that start with H go to this website they have them listed: http://www.dmoz.org/Games/Video_Games/H/
Because when kids first play video games, they are most likely to enjoy it, and get really into a game, once they have completed a game, they will want to buy a new game as they will now be bored of the last game, at this point they are addicted, video games can be considered one of the most addictive "drugs" i know this as i am 14 and have been playing video games for years now. I am not proud that i choose video games to bored games, but i am addicted, and when i am bored the only thing i can think of doing is video games. So theres your answer.
Not unless you have a minecraft client in beta.
Video games in Spanish is video juegos. For example if you wanted to ask a friend, Do you want to play video games?, you would ask, ¿Quieres jugar video juegos?
The place that I go to is xbox.com for video games about the xbox360, but if you want a wider range of video games I recommend gamestop.com or gamezone.com
Girls play video games because they can. No one has the right to say they cannot play them. Girls can do whatever they want: play video games, become video game programmers, or whatever. : )
you don't want to stop
Girls and Boys could be addicted to video games It gives you a feeling of want so that's why you do it more.
Yes, people generally like to purchase video games for personal use. Sometimes people download games for free.
Go ask them.
because we want no brain loss
There are many review for video games but some are better than others. One of the best is gamespot where you can find all the new games and all the games you want.
it depends if you only want sings and video. it. if you do, then i would suggest to get an ipod nano because you can listen to music and video. but if you want to spend a little more money for games and others, then iwould get the ipod touch. and if you want to have a lot of apps and games and video, probabpy get the 32gb. i had the 8gb, and i ran iut really fast, because i had a lot of games music and video. i really depends on how much you want to put on it, and how much you want to spend.