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Q: Up to how many sims can you have in one household?
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How many people can you have in one householde on the sims three?

you can have up to 8 sims in a household

How many people can be in a family in the sims 3?

8In a single game (one household), you may have up to eight sims. However, you can have as many games as you like.Then explain why i have 13 people in 1 householdMmkk1122: It is not possible to have that many people in the Sims 3... are you sure that this is not relationships eg: Girlfriends/ boyfriends etc, not sims that you have control over?

How many people can you have in a household in sims 2 PC?

Up to 8 people, or, if you have Pets, a combination of 10 with no more than 8 sims or 6 pets.

What happens when all your sims die?

When all of your Sims in the household that you are playing have die the game will come up with a message that says something like "I'm sorry but all of the Sims in your household have died but that doesn't mean that you still can't use this house, you can still move in new Sims to this household"

How do you get money quick on Sims 3?

go on edit town and create a range of sims that will fit in the household that you want to be rich, then move them in with the rich household to be and then click on split up household button. Take out the sims you just added and voila you have at least 16,000 simulations!!!

What is the max of people you can have on Sims 3?

You can have up to 8 sims per household however if you have 7 sims and 1 of them is pregnant with twins or triplets you can have more.

How many kids can you have on the sim's 3?

You can have up to 8 sims on your lot, so technically, they can have as many children as they like as long as the limit is 8 sims per household. We know that the mother must be living in the household for the kids to be added to the household. Therefore at least one adult is living in the lot, so only seven kids could be had if the father(s) weren't living on the lot. If it's the father in the household then infinite kids could be had because they wouldn't be automatically added to the household when they were born, so the father could keep having kids infinitely, theoretically.

How can other Sims travel with you?

you should have a tab that comes up when you plan your vacation, you would then choose which sims you want to take along in your household.

Can you have a baby if you already have 3 teens living with you on Sims 3?

yes you can have up to 8-9 characters on sims 3 in 1 household.

Do sims grow other than yourself?

in the Sims 3 Sims in/out your household and out grow up, get married, etc. but only Sims in your house grow up and supply their needs and stuff like that for the Sims 2. but i think if u get sims2 apartments you could have a bunch of people grow up at the same time.

How do you control 2 sims on sims 3 ambitions?

If I'm understanding the question properly...all you have to do is make a Sim Family with 2 sims in it and move them into a house. If you have a pre-existing sim and want to add another to that household, become friends with the second sim and use the "Ask to Move In" option when it becomes available. The only way to control more than one sim is to have them in the same household. You can (without mods) up to 8 sims in each household, but there are mods to make this higher.

How many children can you hav on sims 3 ambitions?

The amount of children that you can have on Ambitions is the same as the usual Sims 3- there may be up to 8 members of your household. For example, if you have two parents in your houshold, you could have 6 children.