G=Green,R=Red,Y=yellow,B=Blue,O=:Orange !!The notes will not make any sounds!! (it will say you have unlocked everything at the end of the cheat,AND THE NOTES ARE 4 CHORDS)(ELBOW STRUM IF YOU HAVE TO.)GRBO,GRYB,GRYO,GBYO,GRYB,GYBO,RYBO,GRYB,GYBO,GRYB,GRYO,GRYB,GRYO,
Their is no cheat to unlock all the characters all at once.Only cheats to get the characters seperatly.
I'm sorry bud but there isn't a cheat code to unlock all the armour in Halo. PERIOD.
use the unlock all objects cheat
There is no cheat. You just have to beat all of the songs.
Maybe your GH3 data is corrupted, if i were you i would start over and start a new game. if you think that's too chancey. use the unlock everything cheat. it's on www.cheatcodes.com
I'm guessing you're refering to "Through the Fire and Flames" by Dragonforce. You can either finish career mode or use the unlock all songs cheat code.
You comeplete the game on easy.
nope sorry
can't it is a uploaded song
No, you cannot unlock the songs with a cheat.
buy it with the money you earn
The devil guy is named Lou. you unlock him by beating easy mode.
no there is not a cheat to unlock everything in Need for Speed: Carbon
with a cheat
Their is no cheat to unlock all the characters all at once.Only cheats to get the characters seperatly.
You can not use the cheat it's only avalible on the ps2 version.