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You need to use a GBA Link cable and trade the PKM you want to trade/ evolve into another PKM LeafGreen or PKM FireRed game cartridge.

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" Trading Pokemon on Pokemon leaf green?" yeah what about it though?

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Q: Trading Pokémon on Pokémon LeafGreen
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Sadly, no. The creators of the game forgot to add in the Pokedex, so trading is impossible without GameShark. :(

Can you catch a starter Pokemon in Pokmon LeafGreen?

No, none of the starter pokémon appear in the wild in Pokémon LeafGreen. You'll have to trade with other games.

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You can get an Electabuzz in LeafGreen by TRADING it form Firered.

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you can't get the black flute in leaf green but you can in Pokemon ruby, sapphire and emerald then trade it to leaf green.

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By trading it from FireRed or LeafGreen.

How do you evolve a hunter on LeafGreen with out trading?

you can't

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You can't

What is the correct pattern in pattern bush?

There are two patterns in Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen. If the pattern is colored, it means the Pokemon may be found there. If white, however, there is no way of finding a Pokmon.

Where is Celebi on Pokemon LeafGreen?

you cannot catch celebi in Pokemon leafgreen. you can only get it through cheat codes or trading.

Can you get sentret in Pokemon Emerald?

Only by trading from LeafGreen and/or FireRed

How do you get tangela in Pokemon emerald?

Only by trading it from Leafgreen/Firered.

Can you catch Articuno on emerald?

no you cant get articuno in emerald the only way you can get it is by trading from firered or leafgreen versions no you cant get articuno in emerald the only way you can get it is by trading from firered or leafgreen versions