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A: airplane, Aggravation game, animal sets (plastic, jungle animals, farm animals etc.), Action Figures, American Girl dolls

B: blocks, baseball cards, Barbie dolls, clothes, cars etc.

C: crayons, coloring books, checker game, Chutes and Latters game, Cabbage Patch dolls

D: dolls, dollhouse, dress up clothes, Dominoes,

E: erector set, easel, Easy Bake Oven, Elmo doll

F: Fisher Price Farm set, finger paints, football

G: games, go-cart, GI Joe dolls, golf set

H: hula hoop

I: Illusionist set

J: jacks, jack-in-the-box

K: K'Nex (magnetic building toy), kitchen set

L: Lincoln Logs, Legos, Light Bright

M: Matchbox cars, marbles, toy Musical Instruments, medical kit, Moon sand

N: Nerf balls, Nerf guns

O: Operation game

P: pogo stick, princess costume, pony, puzzles, pull toys, Polly Pockets dolls, pinwheel, Play-doh

Q: queen and king puppets

R: Red wagon, remote control cars, race track with cars

S: Slinky, stuffed animals, sling shot, Star Wars figures and costumes, sticker books, (toy) soldiers

T: Tinker toys, train set, tea set, trampoline, Twister game, toy tools

U: Up Words game

V: Video Games, View Master

W: Widgets (building toys), Wii game,

X: xylophone, X-Man action figure

Y: yo yo

Z: zoo play set, Zorro costume, Zingo game

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