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Level 20 of the Tim Tang Test is titled 'Lol Brb.' The answer to this level is a reference to an emoticon in MSN Messenger, and is: moon.
factorial no thats not the answer to that dont try it it will waste ur time
The answer is the notes of the background music. If you listen to the music carefully, you'll hear that the music starts with b, not c. The answer is baggage. (That's why it is not found anywhere.)
the answer is simonsays
Level 20 of the Tim Tang Test is titled 'Lol Brb.' The answer to this level is a reference to an emoticon in MSN Messenger, and is: moon.
The answer is: 14
think small
the answer to "level11a" is 261957 the answer to "level11b" is mahjong
Look for the number 1