a conjunction
Wigwam is another 6 letter word sometimes confused to be the same as teepee.
A word that has another word derived from it is called an Eponym. The two words will usually have different meanings.
The word "Innuendo" is commonly used... There's also the word "Insinuation" or "Allusion"
Words that can be made from the letters in 'qualify' are:aailfailflayfluflyIiflayquailquay
The root word for "qualified" is "qualify," which comes from the Latin word "qualis," meaning "of what kind" or "of such kind."
A definition
Synonym- a word that has almost the same meaning of that word.you have chosen. Antonym- It's a word that exspresses the opssite of another word meaning( in another meaning the two words are antonyms to each other).
Ache is another word that have the same meaning with pain
a conjunction
The two words overexpend and overindulge are close in meaning.
The word for a word that is similar to another in meaning is synonym.
A synonym is a word that has the same or very similar meaning as another word. Another word for steelworker is steelmaker. Steelman and laborer are words that can be used for steelworker.
Words similar in meaning to "encompasses" are "includes", "surrounds", and "contains".
Context clues
Simply put synonyms are two words that have the same meaning (such as big and large mean basically the same thing). Antonyms however are opposite words (such as big and small have nothing in common). It's a very simple concept honestly.