Foxtrot represents the letter "F" in the military alphabet. It is most likely to be replaced by "football" as that is easier to understand under radio transmissions.
F in the phonetic alphabet is Foxtrot (fox - trot)
That would be the letter k.
The answer is N.
The alphabet letter is I. The body part is eye.
W is letter number 23 in the alphabet.
F in the phonetic alphabet is Foxtrot (fox - trot)
Military letter denominations.
U = Uniform
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is an acronym for "What The F**k" using military letter code.
A letter represents a speech sound and is a unit of the alphabet.
Each letter of the alphabet represents 1/26 of the alphabet
The letter 'X' represents the number 10.
Military language for the alphabet: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, etc. "Charlie" meant the letter "C", could mean anything over the radio...Cong, Communist, etc.
a letter.
a is the first letter in the alphabet so that represents one. b is the second letter in the alphabet so that represents 2. so 1+2=3 so a+b=c or 3
X = 10