

Best Answer

The answers to the Super Scientist word search are:

1. astronomer

2. biomedical engineer

3. biologist

4. zoologist

5. ecologist

6. ornithologist

7. hematologist

8. lepidopterist

9. taxonomist

10. paleontologist

11. seismologist

12. chemist

13. ichthyologist

14. entomologist

15. mammalogist

16. microbiologist

17. mineralogist

18. physicist

19. parasitologist

20. mycologist

21. botanist

22. geophysicist

23. herpetologist

24. geologist

25. audiologist

26. meteorologist

27. environmentalist

28. marine biologist

29. oceanographer

30. archaeologist

31. virologist

32. volcanologist

33. hydrologist

34. cell biologist

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