Kangaroo has 8 letters
musical equipment in 8 letters= trombone
There are no countries that start with the letter "R" with 8 letters.
A word that has eight letters is pictures
There don't seem to be any common words with 8 letters. 9 letters : cameraman, cameramen 7 letters : macrame
A letter cannot have "8 letters" in it.
Nonsense-8 letters.
Kangaroo has 8 letters
Barbados and Botswana have 8 letters in their name. Colombia and Malaysia have 8 letters in their name.
Yes Kentucky has 8 letters in its name.
Alabama, Colorado, Delaware.
There are 8 letters with no repeated letters and you are working out the number of combintaions of all 8 letters with respect to order so the answer is 8P8=8!=40320
there are 8 letters in michaela
musical equipment in 8 letters= trombone
Aberdeen is a Scottish seaport with 8 letters.
A musical composition, in 8 letters, is a symphony.
There are no countries that start with the letter "R" with 8 letters.