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i need a sonogram on line

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Q: Steps to take a sonogram
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How do I learn to take sonograms?

In order to become a sonogram technician the only thing you need to do is to take a sonogram course at a local college. These courses will usually take about 9 months and will almost always help you find a job after/

Can you give me a sentence with the word sonogram in it?

Look at your question - you have already created a sentance with the word sonogram in it!Congratulations: 'Can you give me a sentence with the word sonogram in it?'

Which is the correct term to say sonogram?

The German translation of sonogram is Ultraschallbild or Sonogramm

Can sonogram be wrong No heart beat at 8weeks 4days?

I am sorry but the sonogram is probably correct.

How much school does it take to become a sonogram technician?

To become a sonogram technician, you need an associative degree (2 year of school), taking anatomy, patient care, medical ethics, physiology and instrumentation courses. There is no license requirement.

What rhymes with sonogram?


What are recordings for ultrasonography?


What are the Disadvantages of Sonogram?

In terms of allowing you to see the image of an unborn child, none. If you mean "is there any danger from a sonogram", no.

Is an ultrasonography the process of obtaining a sonogram?

Yes, in sonography you use ultrasound waves to obtain a picture called a sonogram.

Would there be any reason to have a sonogram at 4 weeks?

I always have a sonogram at 4 weeks or earlier. I have a history of ectopic pregnancies.

What are the two ways to perform a pelvic sonogram?

The two ways to perform a pelvic sonogram are transabdominal and transvaginal. Transabdominal sonogram involves applying a gel to the abdomen and using a transducer to obtain images through the skin. Transvaginal sonogram involves inserting a transducer into the vagina to obtain images of the pelvic organs.

When you have a sonogram can you take a copy home for your husband to see?

Yes. It's common practice for OB's or clinics to give a copy to the parents.