You will initially find her bugging the poor Captin of SSAqua. when she is playing hide go seek, go down 1 level see her hiding on the oter side of the ship almost completely covered by the wall in you line of vision.
As you will see, she is a very good Hider.
well depends if it is a boy and girl then yes but if i doesnt tell then no
First, heal the farmer's Miltank with seven oran berries. The little girl will then give you the seal case. After that, you can stick seals on your ball capsules for Pokemon. *Note - Pokemon cannot be placed in the box while having a ball capsule on.
You Find it in the Vermillion City Pokemon Club. and Then once you have it just go up to her and press A
In the fan club in Vermillion City.
The girl should be next to the captain in the ship. She should be with him since the captain is "sea sick"
Find the lost little girl and play Hide and seek with her, then you will be able to get off of the boat.
Yes you can be a girl if you want.
Yes, it can, but not likely.
well depends if it is a boy and girl then yes but if i doesnt tell then no
You play as either Lyra(girl) Or Ethan (boy)
I have absolutely no idea i think Pokemon is total Rubbish! ....if you ask me !
long as one of them is a boy and the othrs a girl.
maybe if a boy, cyndo and if a girl, cynda
Same as always just keep searching and searching
First, heal the farmer's Miltank with seven oran berries. The little girl will then give you the seal case. After that, you can stick seals on your ball capsules for Pokemon. *Note - Pokemon cannot be placed in the box while having a ball capsule on.
yes. just put a male and female Pokemon in the day care and the girl will have an egg. or put a ditto in with an evolved Pokemon
the little girl at valley windworks will eventually get you a drifloon lv.20