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Yachting is a sport. It begins with the letter y.

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Q: Sports that begin with the letter y?
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What exercises begin with the letter Y?

Exercises that begin with the letter Y include:Yoga

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What is a synonym for amazing that begin with the letter Y?

As far as we know, there are no synonyms for amazing that begin with the letter Y.

What preposition starts with the letter y?

The preposition "with" does not start with the letter "y." However, the preposition "yet" starts with the letter "y." "Yet" is used to indicate something that is expected to happen or be true, despite previous actions or conditions.

What are some volcanoes that begin with the letter Y?

There are no known volcanoes that begin with the letter Y.

What tools begin with the letter y?

The yardstick is a tool. It begins with the letter y.

What are some things that begin with the letter Y that you see at the beach?

At the beach you see youth and yachts. They begin with the letter y.

What sports start with the letter Y?

Yachting.Those of you who think yoga is a sport, take it over to the discussion tab, please. Yachting is a sport. (It's an Olympic event.)Yachting.Examples of sports that begin with Y are:yacht racingyogayo-yo championshipsYachting

A bird that starts with the letter y?

Yaffle and Yellow Warbler are birds that begin with the letter Y. Yellowhammer and Yellow-billed Loon are birds that begin with the letter Y.

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What is a nice letter that starts with a y?

Yes and yummy are nice words. They begin with the letter y.

What are some careers that begin with the letter Y?

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