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Q: Species of monkey 8 letters cross word clue?
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There is a clue...... the clue is "TRUSTNOONE".

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The word sea in French is la mer. Try mer, 3 letters.

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The clue that helped the Hardy Boys in "The Masked Monkey" was a unique piece of music that only a select few people knew about. This music played a key role in helping them solve the mystery surrounding the masked monkey.

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Medium in seven letters> average

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You get a buzzed dog when you cross a bee and Blues Clues.

What is the first clue that the monkey's paw is not a good thing?

The first clue that the monkey's paw was not a good thing, was when the Sargent-Major first drew it from his pocket. He seemed to have trouble removing it from his pocket. When he was asked about his wishes he grew very pale.