That is an unsolved clothing machine recipe. TRY TO FIND IT!! No one has yet. If you do find out the recipe you get a trophy.
The jacket is confirmed but not discovered. Meaning we know it's out there but we don't know how to make it.
1. jeweled military shirt 2. stripy toque 3. green pants :)
It doesnt matter you should be mare concerned with other things like helping around the house, or doing something nice for someone, or praying, or helping the poor.Basically, add some sparkly to a suit and then toss in a jacket!
how you make it is sparkly pink bow, tan suit pants, tuxedo shoes i can tell how to make toga and other junk to
COWGIRL DRESS Cowboy Hat Cow Poke Top Smocked Sundress DETECTIVE CAP red ball cap blue ball cap tan suit top GLASS SLIPPERS Funky Girl Glasses Ruby Slippers Princess Hat PATCHED DENIM JACKET Green Layered Tee Purple Layered Tee Jeans SEASIDE SARONG Unknown Unknown Unknown SPARKLY SILVER SUIT JACKET Unknown Unknown Unknown SPARKLY SILVER SUIT PANTS Tan Suit Pants Sparkly Pink Bow Tuxedo Shoes TYE DYE TOP Purple Pajama Top Blue & Yellow Fleece Flower Power Swimsuit Top TOGA White Jeans Kinzville Academy Skirt Flip Flops TOY SOLDIER SHIRT Captain Dogbeard's Coat Mod Jacket Red Sneakers TOY SOLDIER HAT Party Hat Funky Plaid Hat Dude Hat WIZARDS APPRENTICE ROBE Academy Sweater Tuxedo Pants Wizard's Hat Enjoy :)
Sparkly Silver Suit Pants: Tan Suit Pants, Tuxedo Shoes, and Sparkly Pink Bow to make it. Sparkly Silver Suit Jacket: Is currently unsolved that we know of here on the internet. Sorry!
unfortunantly it's unknown
It the acadamey sweater pink sparkle bow and tuxedo jacket
do not put in the tan suit jacket if u no how the pants go bcuz i just tried it and it made a stupid patchwork hat.
The jacket is confirmed but not discovered. Meaning we know it's out there but we don't know how to make it.
I'm sorry to inform you but the sparkly silver suit is an undiscovered idem. I myself figured it out but failed to write it down. Be sure to check other questions on wikianswers and other places on the web. Wish you the best of luck!
1. jeweled military shirt 2. stripy toque 3. green pants :)
all you have to do is go to the clothing machine and mix the tan suit jacket, sparkly pink bow and the tuxedo shirt! enjoy
by the way, it is SUIT!!!! NOT SUITE!!! I know how to make the pants, and I am sure they are done almost the same way. it is...... tan suit jacket, sparkly bow, and tuxedo shoes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- well it isn't. all i got was patchwork
Hey this is long time answer poster, me! And omg I just found out the answer to the sparkly silver suit on webkinz. okay so it's sparkly pink bow+damper suit jacket thingy+ & finally........................ ugh! no! ah! i wrote it on a piece of paper but i guess instead of homework, dogs go for webkinz clothes recipes now. :( sorry SO sorry but hey you guys can figure it out from here.... right?Actually, It does not work. I tried it with, Sparkly pink bow, Damper thingy, the tan tuxedo jacket and I got patch work pants. :( Sorry!
pink sparkly bow, mod jacket, tuxedo jacket That is my best guess .
It doesnt matter you should be mare concerned with other things like helping around the house, or doing something nice for someone, or praying, or helping the poor.Basically, add some sparkly to a suit and then toss in a jacket!