Killers are bad and start with "k".
Some words starting with the letter K are:KiteKittenKryptonKitchenKalemiaKaratKnightKnitkindkookykilling
something that has to do with school that starts with the letter K is Kids
Doing a crossword or something? Kites Kills Kilts K... K....... I'm so sorry, I'm 11, not all that smart, lol.
You can throw a knife. It begins with the letter K.
Kleenex and you if your name starts with the letter K:)
Killers are bad and start with "k".
· knackwurst
kayaking knit
Kool Aid
Killer bees and knots in your shoelaces are things that are disliked that start with the letter K.
kitten heels?
You find Kleenex in the bathroom. They begin with the letter k.