Nicoise salad, North Atlantic Salmon, Nickel-sized slices of pickles, Ninety capers, No cheese
You can put pepperoni on pizza. You can put peppers on pizza.
Iceberg lettuce, Italian (sausage, pepperoni, cheese etc.)
Italian Sausage
nutella or nayonaise??
Cashews! yummy........... Cheese
first you put vegetables in your food i mean sandwich then you put the other stuff you put in a sandwich yah
onionsolivesoilolive oiloregano
I would put the owners name then sandwich deli or shop or whatever fits your sandwich tastes like!
what ever you want to put on a sandwich is what is on a sandwich
A hero sandwich is just another name for a submarine sandwich. Any meat that you can put on a sub would be applicable to a hero, grinder, or hoagie.
ground beefgarlic
sausage is one...