sexagenarian =A person who is 60 years old or between the ages of 60 and 70.
A sexegenarian.
The prefix "sex" refers to the number six, as in sextuplets (six babies born at the same time), sextuple (one of six parts or sixfold). Therefore, a person between 60 and 69 years of age is called a sexagenarian.
A "septuagenarian" is a person who is 70 through 79 years old.
you have to be 13 years old you have to be 13 years old
His penguin is 746 years old and in real life he is 16 years old. !
A person over sixty-five years of age is commonly referred to as a senior citizen or simply as a senior.
A person who is twenty years old is called a "young adult" or a "young person."
Label is sixty years old
Kangaroos do not live to sixty years old.
A person who is 50-59 years old is called a quinquagenarian.
A 100-year old person is called a centenarian.
A sexegenarian.
Sessanta anni is an Italian equivalent of 'sixty years old'. In the word by word translation, the number 'sessanta'means 'sixty'. The masculine gender noun 'anni' means 'years'. The phrase is pronounced 'sehs-SAHN-tah AHN-nee'.
A person who is 100 years old is called a centenarian.
A person who reaches the age of 70 is called a "septuagenarian."