Fantastic or Fashionable can be a compliment starting with letter F.
Floccinaucinihilipilification is the longest word starting with F; it means the act of estimating something as worthless.
Mansi Singh from Dehradoon.
John F. Singer House was created in 1865.
Rick Ferrell, baseball hall of fame catcher, was born in Durham, NCRoberta Flack, singer, was born in Asheville, NC
Fantastic or Fashionable can be a compliment starting with letter F.
Gloria gaynor
Queen Latifa
Another word for "Singer" starting with "Vo" is Vocalist.Vocalist is defined as: A singer. Typically, but not always, a jazz or pop singer.
Another word for "Singer" starting with "Vo" is Vocalist.Vocalist is defined as: A singer. Typically, but not always, a jazz or pop singer.
Sam Sparrow
Idena Menzell
OMG!! I LOVE THAT BAND! I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM!! The lead singer of the Starting Line is Kenny Vasoli....and he is totally H-O-T!!
The opposite for the word plain starting with letter f is FANCY.