To get aspiration rewards all unlocked, you bring up the cheat bow, CTRL-SHIFT-C
(Press at the same time.) Then type in aspiration-Points 50000. Then you will have 50,000 points, added on to what you already had. If you want more just keep typing in aspirationPoints 50000.
Hoped that helped!
They are rewards for how high your aspiration meter is and so you can enjoy things out of it. Enjoy
Actually i decided to try my own cheats that would come to my mind i don't know if someone already discovered them but damn did it help. in the cheat box write Aspirationrewards 300000 i think that's the highest it goes and it unlocks all aspiration rewards if it doesnt work try removing or adding zeros i don't remember how many i put but it is case sensitive and yes there has to be space between rewards and 300000. Good Luck! To my knowledge, there is no cheat that unlocks them. But, there are a few cheats theat raise your aspiration level so you can GET those aspiration rewards. But this may require Sims2 Nightlife or the Deluxe Edition. If you have a high enough aspiration level, then you can ACHEIVE those rewards. You can try: aspirationLevel 0-5 ( This changes the aspiration LEVEL, 0 is the lowest and 5 is the highest, which is the platinum level) or aspirationPoints# ( The # sign represents the number, which is added to the selected sims current points and you can buy a more expensive rewards.)
there is the money cheat (to open the box do ctrl+shift+c) then type in motherlode there is a cheat to make them happy you type in maxmotives if you want you Sims aspiration meter to go up you type in aspiration level 20
For PC there is in aspiration rewards an aspiration changer. I forget the name of it. The sim needs to be in gold aspiration level to use it or something really funny will happen.
There are no cheats to unlock aspiration rewards in the Sims 2 for PC.
They are rewards for how high your aspiration meter is and so you can enjoy things out of it. Enjoy
Actually i decided to try my own cheats that would come to my mind i don't know if someone already discovered them but damn did it help. in the cheat box write Aspirationrewards 300000 i think that's the highest it goes and it unlocks all aspiration rewards if it doesnt work try removing or adding zeros i don't remember how many i put but it is case sensitive and yes there has to be space between rewards and 300000. Good Luck! To my knowledge, there is no cheat that unlocks them. But, there are a few cheats theat raise your aspiration level so you can GET those aspiration rewards. But this may require Sims2 Nightlife or the Deluxe Edition. If you have a high enough aspiration level, then you can ACHEIVE those rewards. You can try: aspirationLevel 0-5 ( This changes the aspiration LEVEL, 0 is the lowest and 5 is the highest, which is the platinum level) or aspirationPoints# ( The # sign represents the number, which is added to the selected sims current points and you can buy a more expensive rewards.)
there is the money cheat (to open the box do ctrl+shift+c) then type in motherlode there is a cheat to make them happy you type in maxmotives if you want you Sims aspiration meter to go up you type in aspiration level 20
You realy can't have max aspiration points on any sims 2 or 3 or 1,because there just isint a thing like that for them.But I just usually use a code for them.To get the code you have to open up the cheat window which you do by pressing at the same time ctrl+shift+c.I cabn't remember the code but you can just type in 'help' and all the cheats should come up.
The Grilled Cheese Aspiration is a secret aspiration of Sims. If a Sim has this aspiration all they want to eat is grilled cheese. They will also want to prepare and serve other Sims grilled cheese.
If you keep filling their aspiration bars to platinum, there are aspiration rewards, one of which is what looks like a drink cooler. If they have platinum aspiration bar and drink from this, it will make them younger. Be warned though that if you let them drink from it when their aspiration bar when it is below platinum, it will make them older.
First go to the place where you can get stuff with your aspiration points(Aspiration Rewards). Then get the ReNuYuSenso Orb. Ok then set that some place. Go to live mode and switch to the sim that has the grilled cheese aspiration and use the ReNuYuSenso Orb .Click on the aspiration you want you can also change your sim's turn ons and turn offs.
For PC there is in aspiration rewards an aspiration changer. I forget the name of it. The sim needs to be in gold aspiration level to use it or something really funny will happen.
The same as you do in the original Sims. Gain a good friendship by talking and telling each other jokes, then start appreciating and flirting with each other. After that start to hug and eventually kiss. Your sims will soon fall in love. Be aware that this is a long process (if you are not using cheats) and may take a while to form a relationship like this. Your Sims will fall in love faster if they are using things like 'Cool Shades' from the Aspiration Rewards menu, or are in the 'Love Tub' Aspiration Reward object. Also if they have the same turn ons, and not the same turn offs then they are more likely to fall in love. Check the lightning bolts on the relationship panel which represent chemistry between Sims.
Same as Sims 2 except you have a downtown and the pleasure aspiration