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First, in neighborhood mode, press Ctrl, Shift, C, and type in

boolprop testingcheatsenabled true

1.Go into create a sim.

2.Create the sim that you want to look like a kid. I would create their face, makeup, ex. as a kid. Then change their age to adult. Give their aspiration and turn on/offs. If you want another kid-like sim, do the same. You must have more then one sim.

3.Move them in

4.Turn off free will (It's in options, then game options)

5.Shift-click on any sim

6.Click Spawn, Tombstone of L&D

7. Click an a sim adult that you want to be a kid. Click Set age, Child. They will change into a child.

8. Once they're a child, go into buy mode and delete them.

9. Back in live mode, have the other sim click on the tombstone.Click Get family member, (whatever the sims name is)

10. Repeat for the other sims you want

They will be floating, though. And they may hold and sit and do stuff in a weird way. But they can do everything Adults can do. And their voices are still Adult voices.

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Q: Sims 2 how to make an adult look like a child?
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